Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kuta Lagoon Resort

My husband and I are considering this hotel for a one week stay. Can anyone tell me if there is a convenience store handy as I buy about 10 litres of water every second day and don%26#39;t want to carry it too far? Also are there many money changers around the resort. We usually stay at the Discovery Kartika Plaza but wanted to spend this holiday at this end.

Kuta Lagoon Resort

Hi I stayed there last year there are two stores near by when your walk out of the resort turn right and within about 100 metres (maybe not even that far)there are two, on each side of the legian street. Money chaners there are also a few just double, triple count your money a few dodgy ones around there. Have fun!

Kuta Lagoon Resort

Thanks for the info on the stores. We are always very careful changing money since we were ripped off on our first trip. We usually use the one in the Discovery Shopping Plaza and the lady in there is very nice and we have never had a problem with her. Now I know I don%26#39;t have to carry water for miles I think I will be definitely staying at the Kuta Lagoon Resort. Now just have to work out which type of room. I am thinking maybe a pool access room.

Hi eliza191, we have booked to stay here in June and have elected to go for a pool access room. I like the idea of being able to swim from my balcony. We usually stay at the Santika so expect this to be a step down but it is much better priced.

Hi If staying there you must have a pool access room they are the best, so good just to get straight in and out also you can sit on your stairs so your feet are in the water and have a relaxing drink! Also all the staff there are so helpful!

walk out of the resort turn left then 1st right and down about 20m and u have the amenerican express office you can change as much as u want there with no trouble. there is also great restrants around eg across the road owned by an aussie lady and get the pool acc rooms they are great

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